“Travel media is written from an editorial lens. Consumers know the difference, especially luxury travelers. They’re going to those media brands because they trust them, and they trust them because they’re experts.”

Claire Rock

Director of Marketing , Wythe Hotel
Claire Rock

“It’s also become increasingly clear to us that luxury travel marketers are looking for a new environment. There just aren’t a lot of luxury-specific, digital-only platforms that align expert content with email and digital platforms and offer a more direct response type of media. ”

Mark Bloom

President , ShermansTravel
Mark Bloom

Brand Awareness Matters

89% of luxury travelers agreed they are more likely to book a luxury hotel if they’re already familiar with the brand.

The Art and Science of Branding

67% of luxury travelers said reputation and reviews were likely to influence their decision to book a luxury property.

Delivering Value

63% of travelers say “staying at a luxury hotel every time they travel is important,” but value delivered is still paramount.

Measurable Results

84% of hotel executives agree that travelers are more likely to book a hotel based on a recommendation in the media.

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